Home Elected Officials Anita Weier, District 18 Alderperson

Anita Weier, District 18 Alderperson

Anita Weier, District 18 Alderperson

I want to make sure everyone knows that I am not seeking re-election to the Madison City Council in April. I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you and helping solve some problems in District 18. However, after four years of hard work, I am imposing term limits on myself, although I will continue to work for the Northside I love.

I am extremely proud of achievements that include: helping to bring the UW Credit Union to Northport Drive, working with Mirus Partners to help them acquire and rehab The Woodlands, halting the state’s plan to build a 96,000-square-foot warehouse next to Troy Gardens, and envisioning and helping establish a productive community garden at Vera Court.

Of course, some problems remain. One major issue is the worn railroad bridge over Troy Drive and the disgraceful condition of a culvert that serves as a sidewalk under the bridge. Children fear the dark culvert and tend to walk in the narrow street under the bridge — a dangerous situation. The bridge is also so low that trucks sometimes hit it, which is a serious safety issue.

Representatives of Mendota School, the Vera Court Neighborhood Center and the co-housing at Troy Gardens hope to improve the culvert “sidewalk.” The Brentwood-Northport Neighborhood Resource Team also is exploring improvements, after I raised the issue.

City Engineer Rob Phillips and I are looking into potential funding for a major project that would include lengthening the bridge, adding a sidewalk and raising the vertical clearance under the bridge from the current 10.5 feet to 14 feet. The State of Wisconsin now owns the tracks, so perhaps the state could help fund improvements.

I know that readers of this column also have concerns, and that you will continue to work for the Northside — one of the most dedicated and resourceful communities in Madison. Take pride in your achievements and the natural beauty around us.