Home Senior Senior Stories: Gwen & Aix Harrison

Senior Stories: Gwen & Aix Harrison

Senior Stories: Gwen & Aix Harrison
Photo by Diane Walder

By Diane Walder

Married for 65 years, 90-year-old Aix and 86-year-old Gwen are lifelong exercise and fitness enthusiasts. Gwen received a college degree in physical education, while Aix received his doctorate in exercise physiology and had a 48-year career in academia at the University of Oklahoma, developing sports medicine programs and setting them up at other universities around the country.

“I was a majorette,” said Gwen. “I used to twirl.” “I was a drummer,” said Aix. So it was a matter of course that Gwen and Aix met in a dance class.

“Gwen doesn’t dance too well anymore, though,” said Aix. That’s because Gwen uses a walker now and they both have age-related problems that led them to leave Oklahoma and move to Madison to live with their children in the Brentwood neighborhood.

“We came here five years ago. The only people we met were from church, and we don’t see them that often. Our children are too busy with work and their own kids, so if we didn’t have lunch at NESCO, we wouldn’t have lunch,” said Gwen. “Our children knew about NESCO. It solved all of our problems. We’ve been going there every day for five years. The bus picks us up at 9:30. We exercise for an hour, attend the program at 10:30, have lunch and socialize at 11:30, and then the bus takes us home,” she said. “We pay $4 for our meals. If we had to buy the food, it would cost us at least that and we’d have to cook it. It’s a service we need.”

Gwen and Aix appreciate the programs and services NESCO offers them. The staff listens to their suggestions and responds quickly.

“I would like to put up Polly for an award,” Gwen said. Polly Hartman, a retired nurse, is NESCO’s dining manager. “Polly makes sure the menu is nutritious and good. If you don’t like something, she’ll make sure you get what you want. If she doesn’t see you for a couple of days, she’ll call and check up on you. She asks what kinds of program you want and arranges it. Some days there are games, but there’s always an interesting program.”

“I can’t understand why more people don’t come for a meal. I don’t know how people can be by themselves all the time. I love to go around and talk to people. I watch the birds and sit in the sun. We send cards when people get sick. We had our anniversary party there during lunch, and on my birthday Polly made a cake and I brought in the ice cream.”

“I do puzzles at home all the time, but I don’t know what we’d do without the senior center. We wouldn’t have friends, food or programs. We go to the summer concerts in Warner Park Monday nights and have our hot dogs and popcorn. I’m looking forward to walking across those new bridges in the park.”

“NESCO is an important part of our life. The people are friendly and talk to us when we go by the office. The senior center in Oklahoma was nothing like this. There are some mornings I don’t want to go, but I know the bus is waiting for us. And you gotta have a reason to get up and enjoy the day. NESCO gives us that reason. They really take care of us. It’s our home away from home.”